Concord Lions Club
By-Laws as amended March 4, 2015
1. Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors of the Concord Lions Club shall be composed of the following:
President Immediate Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Tail Twister Lion Tamer
3 one year Directors 3 two year Directors Sight and Hearing Chairperson
Membership Chairperson
A. The TREASURER shall file a monthly report to the Club, and shall file forms and reports as required by the State of NH Attorney General Office, the NH Secretary of State, and the federal IRS, in a timely manner.
B. The SECRETARY shall make monthly reports to the Club and Lions International in a timely manner.
C. Bonding of Officers: The President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Large Project Chairpersons of the Concord Lions Club, Inc., shall be bonded in the amount of ten thousand (10,000) dollars each. The bonding Company is to be notified of the Large project chairperson.
2. Committees and Assignments:
Committee oversight by Vice Presidents shall be as follows:
A. 1st Vice President:
1. Membership and Attendance
2. Program
3. Gaming
4. Visitations
5. Publicity
6. Leo Club
B. 2nd Vice President:
1. Finance, Budget and Audit
2. New Service Projects
3. Scholarship
4. Sight and Hearing
5. Past President Night/Socials
6. Red Cross/Blood drives
C. 3rd Vice President:
1. Fundraising Projects
2. Operation KidSight/SPOT
3. Salvation Army
4. Information Technology/Club Booklet
5. Special Olympics
6. Roadside Pickup
Volunteers for Committee assignments shall get first choice. Remaining vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the committee chair and Vice Presidents. ALL Lions are expected to serve on one or more committees
A. One scholarship may be awarded per year. (More may be added as funds allow). This scholarship is to honor the memory of Dr Harry Volkel, Harold Walker, and PDG George Seigel.
B. Prerequisite(s):
1. Applicant shall be legally Blind or profoundly Deaf
2. Applicant shall be majoring in an accredited Sight or Hearing related Profession.
3. Applicant must have been accepted into an accredited post-secondary School.
Report of Committee Chairperson:
The Committee Chairperson of any project, shall submit a written report of the project. The report shall contain a record of receipts, and expenditures(with receipts) and an accounting of profit (or loss) and recommendations for improvements in the project for the future.
3. Membership and Attendance:
A. New Members…Applications for new members shall be submitted by the sponsoring Lion to the Membership Chairperson for review. The chairperson shall submit the application to the Board of Directors for approval. The applicant should have a conference with the sponsoring Lion and at least one other senior member of the club to familiarize the prospect of what we do and what we expect a Lion to participate in as a member. After approval, the sponsoring Lion shall invite the prospective member to join the Concord Lions Club.
B. Attendance…Attendance at all meetings is encouraged to the best of one’s ability. Attendance, dues and participation in Lions projects, of all Lions, shall be reviewed annually by the Membership Chairman and reported to the Board of Directors.
C. Projects…Participation in FUNdraising and SERVICE Projects is strongly encouraged, and expected of ALL LIONS, to the best of their ability.
D. Membership Fee…The membership fee for new members shall be subject to Lions International fees. The fee is not part of the yearly dues. This fee is payable before admission to the Concord Lions Club.
E. Dues…
1. The dues of the Concord Lions Club, Inc. shall be assessed and controlled by vote of the Board of Directors. Club dues shall be deposited in the Administrative fund checking account.
2. Dues may be paid semi-annually
3. In special situations, dues may be reduced to International and District cost. Local dues may be waived.
F. Meetings...
1. Regular, scheduled, meetings shall be held the first and third Wednesdays of the Month, at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
a. The first meeting shall be a “Date” or program night
b. The second meeting shall be a business and/or Board of Directors meeting
2. Special meetings may be called, when necessary, by a majority of the Board of Directors.
4. Money Management:
A. The club shall maintain three (3) separate accounts.
1. Administrative checking account
2. Activities/Pari-mutual checking account
a. All monies raised from N.H. gambling shall be deposited to this account
3. Investment account
4. Monies are not to be co-mingled between Administrative and public funds.
B. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer must fill out appropriate paperwork at the bank(s) holding the accounts, on a yearly basis.
C. Interest only may be transferred to Administrative Account from the Investment Account
D. Interest and/or principal from Investment Account may be transferred to Activities Account if needed
E. Tail twister, in-club raffles, and other non-public funds shall be deposited into Administrative Account.
F. Expenditures:
1. Purchases, expenditures or reimbursements, are not to be made without prior approval of the Board of Directors.
2. PROJECTS; For projects approved by the Board of Directors, the Chairperson shall have authority to expend funds from the Activities Account, for expenses relating to the project, with proper receipt(s).
G. Reimbursements:
1. The President and Secretary, or designee only, and District Officers from the Club shall be reimbursed for expenses of attending mandatory Zone, District, State meetings, or training sessions.
2. All monies advanced by the Treasurer for reservations for members attending Lions functions (other than above) shall be repaid by the attendees within thirty days.
3. District and MD Conventions: Expenses to the District Convention and the Multiple District Convention for the current President, Secretary, or Designee and their Spouses, shall be paid for by the Club. This shall include only the usual room and board charges made by the Hotel. These expenses shall be paid from the Administrative account.
4. All reimbursements are to be made to, or from, the Administrative Account.
H. Candidate for District and International Office
1. In the event a member decides to run for office, a separate checking account shall be established and checks printed accordingly.
2. All monies shall be raised separately from the Charitable fund and so identified in any literature or tickets etc.
I. Complementary Tickets:
1. The District Governor, Vice District Governor, Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer and their spouses, shall be given complementary meals on official visitations to the Concord Lions Club. The funds to be taken from the Administrative fund.
J. Member Sunshine
1. Sickness of a member: Upon being notified of the hospitalization of a member or spouse, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to purchase a suitable gift not to exceed fifty (50) dollars. The payment to come from the Administrative fund.
2. Death of a member: Upon being notified of the death of a member, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to send an appropriate remembrance. The payment shall be from the Administrative fund.
3. Death in Immediate family of member: Upon being notified of a death in the immediate family of a member, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to send tribute at a cost not to exceed fifty (50) dollars. The payment shall be from the Administrative fund.
5. Amendments:
A. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular, or special, meeting of this Club, at which 50% , or more, members are present, by the affirmative vote of (2/3) two-thirds of the members voting
B. No amendment shall be put to vote unless written notice thereof, stating the proposed amendment shall have been mailed, delivered personally, or E-mailed to each member of this club at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting at which to vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.
By-Laws as amended March 4, 2015
1. Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors of the Concord Lions Club shall be composed of the following:
President Immediate Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President
3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Tail Twister Lion Tamer
3 one year Directors 3 two year Directors Sight and Hearing Chairperson
Membership Chairperson
A. The TREASURER shall file a monthly report to the Club, and shall file forms and reports as required by the State of NH Attorney General Office, the NH Secretary of State, and the federal IRS, in a timely manner.
B. The SECRETARY shall make monthly reports to the Club and Lions International in a timely manner.
C. Bonding of Officers: The President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Large Project Chairpersons of the Concord Lions Club, Inc., shall be bonded in the amount of ten thousand (10,000) dollars each. The bonding Company is to be notified of the Large project chairperson.
2. Committees and Assignments:
Committee oversight by Vice Presidents shall be as follows:
A. 1st Vice President:
1. Membership and Attendance
2. Program
3. Gaming
4. Visitations
5. Publicity
6. Leo Club
B. 2nd Vice President:
1. Finance, Budget and Audit
2. New Service Projects
3. Scholarship
4. Sight and Hearing
5. Past President Night/Socials
6. Red Cross/Blood drives
C. 3rd Vice President:
1. Fundraising Projects
2. Operation KidSight/SPOT
3. Salvation Army
4. Information Technology/Club Booklet
5. Special Olympics
6. Roadside Pickup
Volunteers for Committee assignments shall get first choice. Remaining vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the committee chair and Vice Presidents. ALL Lions are expected to serve on one or more committees
A. One scholarship may be awarded per year. (More may be added as funds allow). This scholarship is to honor the memory of Dr Harry Volkel, Harold Walker, and PDG George Seigel.
B. Prerequisite(s):
1. Applicant shall be legally Blind or profoundly Deaf
2. Applicant shall be majoring in an accredited Sight or Hearing related Profession.
3. Applicant must have been accepted into an accredited post-secondary School.
Report of Committee Chairperson:
The Committee Chairperson of any project, shall submit a written report of the project. The report shall contain a record of receipts, and expenditures(with receipts) and an accounting of profit (or loss) and recommendations for improvements in the project for the future.
3. Membership and Attendance:
A. New Members…Applications for new members shall be submitted by the sponsoring Lion to the Membership Chairperson for review. The chairperson shall submit the application to the Board of Directors for approval. The applicant should have a conference with the sponsoring Lion and at least one other senior member of the club to familiarize the prospect of what we do and what we expect a Lion to participate in as a member. After approval, the sponsoring Lion shall invite the prospective member to join the Concord Lions Club.
B. Attendance…Attendance at all meetings is encouraged to the best of one’s ability. Attendance, dues and participation in Lions projects, of all Lions, shall be reviewed annually by the Membership Chairman and reported to the Board of Directors.
C. Projects…Participation in FUNdraising and SERVICE Projects is strongly encouraged, and expected of ALL LIONS, to the best of their ability.
D. Membership Fee…The membership fee for new members shall be subject to Lions International fees. The fee is not part of the yearly dues. This fee is payable before admission to the Concord Lions Club.
E. Dues…
1. The dues of the Concord Lions Club, Inc. shall be assessed and controlled by vote of the Board of Directors. Club dues shall be deposited in the Administrative fund checking account.
2. Dues may be paid semi-annually
3. In special situations, dues may be reduced to International and District cost. Local dues may be waived.
F. Meetings...
1. Regular, scheduled, meetings shall be held the first and third Wednesdays of the Month, at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
a. The first meeting shall be a “Date” or program night
b. The second meeting shall be a business and/or Board of Directors meeting
2. Special meetings may be called, when necessary, by a majority of the Board of Directors.
4. Money Management:
A. The club shall maintain three (3) separate accounts.
1. Administrative checking account
2. Activities/Pari-mutual checking account
a. All monies raised from N.H. gambling shall be deposited to this account
3. Investment account
4. Monies are not to be co-mingled between Administrative and public funds.
B. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer must fill out appropriate paperwork at the bank(s) holding the accounts, on a yearly basis.
C. Interest only may be transferred to Administrative Account from the Investment Account
D. Interest and/or principal from Investment Account may be transferred to Activities Account if needed
E. Tail twister, in-club raffles, and other non-public funds shall be deposited into Administrative Account.
F. Expenditures:
1. Purchases, expenditures or reimbursements, are not to be made without prior approval of the Board of Directors.
2. PROJECTS; For projects approved by the Board of Directors, the Chairperson shall have authority to expend funds from the Activities Account, for expenses relating to the project, with proper receipt(s).
G. Reimbursements:
1. The President and Secretary, or designee only, and District Officers from the Club shall be reimbursed for expenses of attending mandatory Zone, District, State meetings, or training sessions.
2. All monies advanced by the Treasurer for reservations for members attending Lions functions (other than above) shall be repaid by the attendees within thirty days.
3. District and MD Conventions: Expenses to the District Convention and the Multiple District Convention for the current President, Secretary, or Designee and their Spouses, shall be paid for by the Club. This shall include only the usual room and board charges made by the Hotel. These expenses shall be paid from the Administrative account.
4. All reimbursements are to be made to, or from, the Administrative Account.
H. Candidate for District and International Office
1. In the event a member decides to run for office, a separate checking account shall be established and checks printed accordingly.
2. All monies shall be raised separately from the Charitable fund and so identified in any literature or tickets etc.
I. Complementary Tickets:
1. The District Governor, Vice District Governor, Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer and their spouses, shall be given complementary meals on official visitations to the Concord Lions Club. The funds to be taken from the Administrative fund.
J. Member Sunshine
1. Sickness of a member: Upon being notified of the hospitalization of a member or spouse, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to purchase a suitable gift not to exceed fifty (50) dollars. The payment to come from the Administrative fund.
2. Death of a member: Upon being notified of the death of a member, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to send an appropriate remembrance. The payment shall be from the Administrative fund.
3. Death in Immediate family of member: Upon being notified of a death in the immediate family of a member, the President or Secretary shall be authorized to send tribute at a cost not to exceed fifty (50) dollars. The payment shall be from the Administrative fund.
5. Amendments:
A. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular, or special, meeting of this Club, at which 50% , or more, members are present, by the affirmative vote of (2/3) two-thirds of the members voting
B. No amendment shall be put to vote unless written notice thereof, stating the proposed amendment shall have been mailed, delivered personally, or E-mailed to each member of this club at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting at which to vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken.